Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability characterized by social communication challenges and restrictive and repetitive behaviors. OWL Pediatric Therapy LLC treats individuals who are mildly, moderately, or severely impacted by autism. Evidence-based treatment guides our therapy.
Developmental Delays
Developmental delays can vary widely. Speech and language therapy will target each individual child’s deficits. We collaborate with other service providers (including Occupational Therapists, ABA therapists, and physical therapists) to provide comprehensive services.
Social Communication
A Social Communication Disorder is an impairment in the understanding and/or use of verbal and nonverbal communication. OWL Pediatric Therapy LLC provides therapy for children who are impacted by a social communication disorder.
Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) is a motor speech disorder in which the child has difficulty with volitional performing motor movements. Children with CAS can be very difficult to understand, due to their inconsistent errors and vowel errors. At OWL Pediatric Therapy LLC, we provide differential diagnoses between CAS and other speech sound disorders. We also treat CAS.
Speech Sound Disorders
An articulation disorder is when speech sound errors continue past a certain age when the child should be able to produce the sound correctly (the age differs according to the sound). Common speech sound errors include K, G, R, S, and L. A phonological disorder is when the child has difficulty with the rules of speech sound. For example, the child might leave off the last sound of every word.
Language Disorder/Language Based Learning Disability
A language disorder is characterized by an impairment in one or more of the following areas: form (phonology, morphology, and syntax), content (vocabulary development, semantics), and use (pragmatic language or rules for communication). Preschool language disorders are related to Language-Based Learning Disabilities (typically diagnosed during school years).
Executive Functioning
Executive Function is a term used to describe a set of mental processes that helps us plan, organize, and carry out actions.
Dysfluency (also known as stuttering) refers to the smoothness and ease of speech. Stuttering may include: repetitions of syllables or words, prolongations of sounds, stopped speech, and interjections.